- Apeksha Ramteke
- Photography
- 06 Sep 2016
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- 2Answers
- 1038Views
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These crazy footwear designs are innovation in footwear designing.. The amount of creativity in e...
Illustrator Uses Clever 3D Tricks To Bring Cartoons To Life
Ever thought of bringing drawings to life.... Danish artist, HuskMitNavn, have combined 2D & 3D technique...
1. WADI EL-HOL SCRIPT In the 1990s, a pair of Yale archaeologists discovered a graffiti-covere...
Food Wasted was photographed to perfection to make a magnificient display of artwork. 1. Pine...
Japanese Cat Water Cake Ever heard of a water cake? It’s a clear and jiggly Japanese dessert th...
The cuisine of India is one of the world's most diverse cuisines. Extensive immigration and intermin...